Full Auto Detailing Services That Remove Contamination

Gig Harbor, WA’s #1 Auto Detailing and Car Care Crew


CALL FOR QUOTE (253) 455-4922

Auto Detailing Package at Parkers Detailing Co.

Full Basic Detail



  • Exterior washed
  • Clay bar decontamination
  • Cleaning wheels and rims
  • 3-month sealant applied
  • Interior fully cleaned
  • Vacuuming
  • All plastics cleaned and decontaminated
  • Upholstery and leather cleaned and conditioned

NOTE: None of the cleaning solutions we use on your vehicle’s interior will leave a strong smell at all.

Enhancement Detail



  • Everything in our Full Basic Detail, plus a full one step polish for all exterior paint

NOTE: None of the cleaning solutions we use on your vehicle’s interior will leave a strong smell at all.

Auto Detailing Services You Won’t Find Anywhere Else in the Gig Harbor Area!

The daily messes of everyday life collect on interior and exterior areas of a car, truck, or SUV. Whether it is crumbs and pet hair gathering on interior surfaces or exterior contamination buildup, these messes can not only be distracting for you as the driver and owner, but they can eventually degrade the quality, appearance, and functional integrity of your automobile.

You cannot stop contamination, but you can deal with it after the fact. And who better to task with decontaminating paintwork, removing interior grime, and freshening up all vehicle surfaces than the vehicle detailing pros here at Parkers Detailing Co? We have packages that are most effective in fighting against environmental and human made messes. Two bucket hand washing, claying, stain removal, and vacuuming all eliminate the majority of what Mother Nature puts your ride through.

If you have any questions about either our detailing services here at Parkers Detailing Co, please do not hesitate to contact us at
(253) 455-4922! Our certified detailing team will walk you through our process and make sure you fully understand how we facilitate the most clean surface possible. If you would like an estimate on our services, click below to fill out our quick quote form now!


Our Interior Vehicle Detailing Process

Dusting and Wiping

The first stage in our high-quality interior auto detailing services is a total wipedown of your vehicle’s interior. We dust and wipe everything from the dashboard to the glass windows to first take care of the visible surface contamination. Using gentle solutions and microfiber towels, our Gig Harbor detailers restore the smooth clarity of clean car surfaces.

Meticulous Vacuuming

Following dusting and surface wipedowns, we at Parkers Detailing Co. perform a thorough vacuum of all carpeted and cloth surfaces in your vehicle, from seats to the headliner. What we aim to do during this stage is eliminate any trapped contamination lingering in hard-to-reach areas that often cause foul odors.

Shampooing Carpeting and Cloth

The third stage in our interior vehicle detailing service involves the shampooing and conditioning of all carpeting and cloth surfaces that have succumbed to stains and deep degradation. Most every stain from spilled drinks to mud and road salt residue can be removed with this gentle yet highly effective shampooing and conditioning process.

Protection Against UV Rays

To finish, our interior detailers seal your vehicle’s surfaces, providing it with a defense mechanism against both physical contamination and ultraviolet exposure shining through your windows. Having a unique sealant for every respective interior surface, our team applies them to each surface of your vehicle’s interior. In all ways, these sealants and dressings keep your vehicle as clean as possible.

What Is Included with Exterior Detailing at Parkers Detailing Co?

Exterior Vehicle Assessment

Every exterior detailing service provided by Parker’s Detailing involves the total inspection of it first and foremost. While many contaminants are pretty obvious, where some of the hard-to-reach messes collect might be overlooked or missed if not for a thorough inspection by our detailing industry experts.

Two Bucket Hand Wash

The second stage of our high-end professional exterior detailing service includes a careful and thorough two bucket hand wash, preventing cross-contamination. Our team employs this method because it is the most delicate and dedicated way to clear your finish of the loose, obvious contaminants.

Clay Bar Decontamination Service

Taking a clay bar to your vehicle’s exterior surfaces is the third stage of this in-depth cleaning process here at Parkers Detailing Co. Clay bar decontamination removes the microscopic particles of dirt and grime still left over after our two bucket hand wash, as it is impossible to clear everything on the first try. Through an agitation effect, those molecules of contamination latch to our clay bar and leave a beautiful vehicle shine!

Surface Sealant or Paint Protection Package

The final stage in our exterior detailing service is sealing and protecting exterior surfaces by way of dressings or an upgrade to a Fireball Ceramic Coating or STEK Paint Protection Film. Covering each and every surface of your vehicle’s exterior with any type of protection effort saves your vehicle from any future contamination buildup, defects, and stains.

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